Welcome to The Women’s Fire

True Nature’s Online Membership Programme

True Nature emerged from the deep connections that formed through our retreats and events.

Our membership is a space that nurtures our community by cultivating meaningful friendships and providing ongoing support.

We meet on zoom every 2 weeks to offer a space for you to share what’s on your heart and connect with other women.

By becoming a member, you actively participate in our mission to galvanise a movement of women co-creating cultures of wholeness and belonging through self-healing, empowered relationships and ecological awakening. 

How Does it Work?

Our year long membership offers online sessions for you to connect every 2 weeks. 

Session will be held every other week on Tuesday Evenings, 7:30pm - 9:00pm GMT.

What to Expect

Cyclical Ceremonies

8 throughout the year

Each turning will be marked through a group ceremony open to everyone in the membership programme. We will open up themes around the particular holiday and seasonal shift, which will then be explored throughout the next 6 weeks in your pod calls.

Pod Sharing Circles

1- 2 per month

You will become part of a Journey Pod; a small group of up to 8 women who you will meet with every month. This is a closed container where you will create a level of trust and safety that allows you to fully be yourself, share the difficulties of your life, and celebrate your wins together.

Community Power Ups

4 per year

Quarterly power ups with True Nature’s founders Alana and Gaia. These sessions will respond to the themes that are alive in your pods calls, supporting you to go even deeper and step more into your power. Sessions may include: Embodiment, group coaching, nature connection, Q&A’s.

Why The Wheel of The Year?

At True Nature, we see cycles as inherent to our womanhood, and a helpful framework to integrate insights, and deepen our connection with ourselves and the natural world.

The origins of the Wheel of the Year emerged 12,000 years ago and similar maps have been used by many cultures throughout history to mark the changing seasons and rhythms of nature. It can be exhausting living in our strive-driven modern world that expects productivity at all times. Instead, living cyclically reconnects us to our roots and can support our mental and physical health, providing more energy, happiness, productivity and growth.  

There are eight key milestone moments throughout the year, which occur every six weeks. Each gives us different reflection points and can be used as timeframes to set an intention or commitment.

What You Receive:

  • 8 x Wheel of the Year Ceremonies*

  • 17 x Pod Calls

  • 4 x Community Power Ups*

  • Pod whatsapp group

  • Membership whatsapp group

  • 10% off selected events

  • 8 x Wheel of the Year playlists

  • Pod organised in-person socials

*Wheel of the Year Ceremonies and Community Power Ups will be recorded for anyone unable to attend or so you can rewatch them again at a later date. 


£25 a month
(Monthly payment plan for the year)


(Save £50)

 We ask that monthly members aim to commit for the year as it will cause disruption in your pod and to the relationships that form if you leave early.

How to Join

We are welcoming new women to join us at each Wheel of the Year Celebration. 

You can register to join now for when we open again on the 18th June, when we hold our Summer Solstice Ceremony.

Upcoming Dates

Summer Solstice Ceremony 18th June

Sharing Circle 2nd July

Sharing Circle 16th July

Lammas Ceremony 30th July

Sharing Circle 13th August

Sharing Circle 27th August

Community Power-Up 10th September

Inclusion & Diversity 

We celebrate and welcome diversity in this work and believe that varied experiences only serve to make the tapestry of collective wisdom more vibrant and colourful.  

The Women's Fire is open to women/ femme flavoured folk of all backgrounds, including those identifying as non-binary womb folk, trans and cis women. If you have any questions/ concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

For more info read our inclusion statement.